The 5D Innovation Process helps teachers teach key modern skills like critical thinking, collaborating, creativity, confidence and communication while helping young students participate in solving key problems. 


The B.Club Guide uses the simple and easy to follow 5D Innovation Process to teach students how to solve any problem while learning critical skills like communication, creativity, collaboration, confidence and critical thinking.


This first stage requires students to look around them and identify problems that affect them. It could be personal problems, or those of friends or those in their communities.


The second stage requires students to understand the problem chosen and define where to focus on. At the end of this stage is a design challenge, which is a problem statement that articulates the problem you want to solve.


This is the third stage and process is focused on generating as many solutions to a problem as possible. Once many solutions have been developed, students will select one to move forward to prototyping.


The exciting stage is where students work together to use materials around them to design the solution they selected. The solution can be a product or a event program (e.g. awareness program).


This final stage is where students share what they made with those who will use it, or organize the program they have planned so people can experience it.

How To Run a Bamboo Club

You can start the Bamboo Club anywhere, whether in a private school, public school, training centre, under a tree in a village. 

Choose a Facilitator

Select someone who will oversee the club in your school. Ensure to get the backing of the school or whoever is in charge of the learning. Ensure the person fills our EDUCATOR FORM

Dedicate at least one hour per week to the club.

Create the time for the weekly activities of the club. We recommend at least one hour per week. You can dedicate more if you want more fun. 

Get Your Students to Join Your Club

Ask interested students to join your group. Convince them by telling them the amazing things they will be able to make by joining the club. Keep a record of members. 

Download and Go Through The Bamboo Club Guide

The facilitator should spend some time to go through and understand how to use the Bamboo Club Guide. If you need any help or training, please CONTACT US here. 

Engage your Students

Start working with your students to create amazing stuff and learning modern skills, using the B.club guide. We will continue to update our platform with more resources for you to use via the EDUCATOR RESOURCES Page. 

Share Your Work with Us

We’ll love to hear from you. Share the progress your students are making on social media. You can post on your platform and tag us (You may also use #b.club #bamboocollege). You may also send pictures and videos to us HERE